TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 595 SUBJECT: GRB 000301C Optical Observations DATE: 00/03/06 08:01:20 GMT FROM: Vijay Mohan at U.P.State Observatory Nainital V. Mohan, A.K. Pandey, S.B. Pandey, R. Sagar, UPSO, Nainital and Alberto J. Castro-Tirado, IAA-CSIC (Granada) report on behalf of a larger European GRB collaboration : "We have observed the field of GRB 000301C on March 3 and March 5 using the 1-metre telescope of U.P. State Observatory and 2k x 2k CCD. The R magnitudes calibrated using stars A and D of Garnavich et al. (GCN #573) come out to be as follows: Mar 3.93 UT 20.53 +/- 0.05 Mar 5.96 UT 21.18 +/- 0.05 Using all R band observations reported so far the value of alpha comes out to be 1.02 while excluding the R magnitude reported in #GCN 588, alpha comes out to be 1.12 +/- 0.1. "