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GCN Circular 5949

GRB 061217: Extended object in the revised XRT error circle
2006-12-21T16:34:20Z (18 years ago)
Edo Berger at Carnegie Obs <>
E. Berger (Carnegie) reports:

"We observed the location of GRB 061217 with LDSS3 on the Magellan 6.5-m 
telescpe starting on 2006 Dec. 21.36 UT in r-band.  In a single 300 sec 
exposure with 0.55" seeing we clearly detect an extended object (G1) 
within the revised XRT position (GCN #5947) at:
 	RA = 10:41:39.15
A second, much fainter object with apparently extended morphology (G2) is 
located on the southern edge of the error circle at:
         RA = 10:41:39.10
We propose that object G1 is the host galaxy of GRB 061217."
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