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GCN Circular 589

GRB000301C, Radio observations
2000-03-05T18:21:09Z (25 years ago)
Edo Berger at Caltech <>
E. Berger (Caltech) and D. A. Frail (NRAO) report on behalf of a
larger collaboration:

"Beginning on March 5.67 UT we used the VLA to observe a field centered at
the position of the optical transient reported by J. P. U. Fynbo, et al,
and S.Bernabei, et al (GCN 570 and 571).  We detect a 300 microJy radio
source at 8.46 GHz, located at the position of the optical transient.  
Absolute flux calibration is not yet available.  Continued observations at
a broad range of frequencies are underway."

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