TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 566 SUBJECT: GRB000226 [IPN Position] DATE: 00/02/26 22:30:40 GMT FROM: Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL K. Hurley, T. Cline, E. Mazets, and M. Feroci, on behalf of the Ulysses, Konus, NEAR, and SAX GRB teams, report: Ulysses, Konus, NEAR, and the BeppoSAX GRBM observed a ~131 s (T90) long burst at 46266 s UT on February 26 2000. The 25-100 keV fluence was ~2 x 10^-5 erg/cm^2 and the peak flux over 0.25 s was ~10^-6 erg/cm^2 s. The error box center and corners are at: ERROR BOX CENTER: 21 h 28 m 57.79 s -19 o 45 ' 41.88 " ERROR BOX CORNER 1: 21 h 29 m 16.04 s -19 o 47 ' 27.95 " ERROR BOX CORNER 2: 21 h 28 m 45.74 s -19 o 46 ' 49.92 " ERROR BOX CORNER 3: 21 h 29 m 9.84 s -19 o 44 ' 33.72 " ERROR BOX CORNER 4: 21 h 28 m 39.52 s -19 o 43 ' 55.48 " The error box area is ~20 sq. arcmin. These values are for 3 sigma confidence, and are preliminary. Considerable refinement of the error box is possible.