TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 5573 SUBJECT: GRB 060912A: Probable Host Galaxy DATE: 06/09/14 12:59:41 GMT FROM: Andrew Levan at U.of Leicester A.J. Levan, P. Jakobsson, R. Chapman (U. Hertfordshire), N. Tanvir, E.Rol (U. Leicester) report for a larger collaboration: We observed the location of GRB 050912A using the VLT and FORS1 in the VRI bands beginning at Sept 14. 03:51 UT. At the location of the optical afterglow given by Hurkett et al. (GCN Circ. 5558) we find an extended source which we suggest is the host galaxy of GRB 060912A. The location of the afterglow lies at the eastern end of this galaxy and the afterglow may still contribute significantly at this time. Images of the field can be found at http://star-www.herts.ac.uk/~levan/060912A/ We thank the staff of the VLT for their assistance with these observations.