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GCN Circular 5382

GRB 060801: Swift XRT refined analysis
2006-08-01T20:56:46Z (19 years ago)
Judith Racusin at PSU <>
J. L. Racusin, D. Grupe, D. Morris, and M. Stroh report on behalf of the 
Swift XRT team:

We have analysed the first 2 orbits of XRT data from the short hard GRB 
060801 (Racusin et al., GCN Circ. 5378), with a total exposure of 3.7 ks 
in Photon Counting mode.  The refined XRT position is:

RA(J2000)  = 14h 12m 01.6s
Dec(J2000) = +16d 58m 54.8s

with an uncertainty of 3.7 arcsec (90% containment). This position is 1.8 
arcsec away from the XRT position quoted in Racusin et al. (GCN Circ. 
5378), and 71 arcsec away from the refined BAT position (Sato, et al., GCN 
Circ. 5381).

The 0.3-10 keV X-ray light curve shows a plateau from 73s until ~115s 
after the BAT trigger, followed by a decay with a power law index of -1.19 
+/- 0.16 until a break at ~400s to a steeper decay with a power law index 
of -5.84 +/- 3.3.  The X-ray afterglow is not detected in the second 

A power-law fit to the 0.3-10 keV spectrum from the first orbit
  gives a photon index of 1.67+/-0.20 and a column density of
(0.8+/-0.5)e21 cm**-2. We note the Galactic hydrogen column density
in the direction of the burst is 1.51e20cm**-2.

This circular is an official product of the Swift XRT Team.
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