TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 5226 SUBJECT: SALT spectroscopy of GRB 060605 DATE: 06/06/06 09:25:56 GMT FROM: Martin Still at S.African Astro Obs M. Still. A. Kniazev, E. Romero-Colmenero, Y. Hashimoto, N. Loaring, P. Vaisanen, D. Buckley, P. Charles, D. O'Donoghue (SAAO), K. Nordsieck, E. Burgh (Wisconsin), D. Reichart (N. Carolina) The 10-m Southern African Large Telescope (SALT), currently undergoing Performance- Verification, observed the afterglow of GRB 060605 (Page et al.; GCN 5221) on Jun 6, 2006 at 00:53 UT with the Robert Stobie Spectrograph. The Lyman limit was detected at 4300 Angstroms. We can therefore verify that the absorption feature reported by Schmidt (GCN 5223) is indeed Ly alpha, which we centroid at 5720 Angstroms. This line and the Ly limit indicate that the source redshift is z = 3.7.