TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 5223 SUBJECT: GRB060605: Spectral Observations and Redshift DATE: 06/06/05 21:48:49 GMT FROM: Brian Schmidt at RSAA, ANU (MSSSO) B. Peterson and B. Schmidt (ANU) on behalf of a larger collaboration report, "We have obtained imaging and spectra of GRB060605 (GCN 5221) with the ANU 2.3m telescope and confirm the candidate of Rykoff et al. (GCN 5220). The spectrum taken with the Double Beam Spectrograph reveals a strong absorption feature at 5850A with many absorption lines to the blue of this feature. To the red, the spectrum has only a few very weak absoption lines and is otherwise a featureless power law. Associating the absorption feature at ~5850 with Ly-alpha gives a redshift of z=3.8 for the burst."