TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 520 SUBJECT: IPN annulus for GRB000115 DATE: 00/01/16 22:01:53 GMT FROM: Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL K. Hurley, T. Cline, S. Barthelmy, and E. Mazets, report: KONUS-WIND and NEAR (among others) observed GRB000115 (BATSE #7954). Preliminary triangulation gives an annulus centered at RA(2000)=63.092 o, Decl.(2000)=29.512 o, with radius 72.715 +/- 0.015 o (3 sigma). This annulus intersects the RXTE error box (GCN 519) to form an ~21 sq. arcmin. error box, whose corners are at: RA(2000) Decl.(2000) 8 h 03 m 12.5 s -17 o 18 ' 00" 8 h 03 m 21.2 s -17 o 18 ' 00" 8 h 03 m 48.0 s -17 o 10 ' 42" 8 h 03 m 48.0 s -17 o 07 ' 42" A map may be found at ssl.berkeley.edu/ipn3/000115.