GCN Circular 5195
GRB 060502A: Optical afterglow observations
2006-06-02T15:06:26Z (18 years ago)
Pall Jakobsson at U Hertfordshire <palli@star.herts.ac.uk>
Pall Jakobsson (Univ. of Hertfordshire), Erik Zackrisson,
Janne Holopainen (Tuorla Observatory), Genoveva Micheva
(Stockholm Observatory), Brian L. Jensen, Johan P. U. Fynbo
and Jens Hjorth (DARK, NBI) report:
Using MOSCA on the 2.56-meter Nordic Optical Telescope, we
obtained 3*300 s R-band images of the GRB 060502A field
(La Parola et al., GCN#5047) on May 3.21 (1.08 days post
burst). At the location of the optical afterglow (Pool et al.,
GCN#5068), 0.7 arcsec outside the XRT borders (La Parola et al.,
GCN#5054), we detect a source with R = 22.5. Combined with
the R-band magnitude reported by Hicken & Garnavich (GCN#5070),
this implies a decay slope of alpha = 1.0.
An image of the field is shown at: