GCN Circular 5004
An interactive program for GRB pseudo-redshift computations
2006-04-25T16:49:13Z (18 years ago)
Alexandre Pelangeon at LATT,OMP,Toulouse <apelange@ast.obs-mip.fr>
A. Pelangeon & J-L. Atteia (LATT-OMP) report:
A "Pseudo-redshift Calculator" for *long Gamma-Ray Bursts*
is now available at this address:
This calculator computes redshift-estimates using the redshift indicator
described in Pelangeon et al. (astro-ph/0601150), which is an improvement
of the first version proposed by Atteia (A&A, 407, L1-L4, 2003).
This version is based on the spectral parameters of the prompt emission
measured during the most intense part of the burst.
In this web site you will find:
- Explanations on the redshift indicator, and directions to follow
in order to compute valuable pseudo-redshifts.
- An interactive program to compute pseudo-redshifts.
This program requires the measure of the GRB spectral parameters,
especially alpha, Epeak and the fluence.
- A catalog of pseudo-redshifts for recent GRBs.
We provide this tool as a service to the community.
Pseudo-redshifts may constitute a useful piece of information to establish
the follow-up strategy of newly detected GRBs with known spectral parameters.