TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4923 SUBJECT: SGR 1900+14: Refined Swift-BAT analysis of the renewed activity DATE: 06/03/26 19:22:53 GMT FROM: Scott Barthelmy at NASA/GSFC G. Sato (ISAS), L. Barbier (GSFC), S. Barthelmy (GSFC), J. Cummings (GSFC/NRC), E. Fenimore (LANL), N. Gehrels (GSFC), D. Hullinger (BYU-Idaho), H. Krimm (GSFC/USRA), C. Markwardt (GSFC/UMD), D. Palmer (LANL), A. Parsons (GSFC), T. Sakamoto (GSFC/NRC), J. Tueller (GSFC), L. Vetere (ASDC) on behalf of the Swift-BAT team: Using the full data set from recent telemetry downlinks, we report further analysis of Swift-BAT detection of SGR 1900+14 (trigger #202746) (Vetere, et al., GCN 4922). T90 is 48 +- 4 msec. The partial coding fraction is 33%. The lightcurve is a single FRED-like peak wih a decay of ~16 msec. The BAT spectrum is well fitted with a blackbody model: kT = 17.5 -7.9,+15.7 keV (90% confidence). The reduced chi-squared is 0.95 for 57 degrees of freedom. The spectral parameters are consistent with the HETE-2 observation of the 2001 middle-class burst of SGR 1900 (see Fig.5 of Olive et al. ApJ 616 (2004) 1148 (astro-ph/0403162)). There are 4 other BAT detections from this source (two before the original triggered detection, and two after): Date Time Comment 2006-03-25 10:12:05 Roughly 4 times brighter than the 20:16:40 outburst 2006-03-25 18:07:21 Roughly 2 times brighter than the 20:16:40 outburst 2006-03-25 20:16:40 Triggered detection 2006-03-25 23:34:08 Comparable to 20:16:40 in brightness 2006-03-26 00:59:23 Comparable to 20:16:40 in brightness We note that the 4th & 5th events occurred during TOO follow-up observations of the SGR 1900+14 source.