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GCN Circular 4883

GRB 060313: early afterglow NIR upper limits with REM
2006-03-15T20:40:52Z (19 years ago)
Andrea Melandri at Rome Astro Obs <>
A. Melandri, S. Covino, E. Palazzi, L.A. Antonelli, E. Molinari,
G. Chincarini, F.M. Zerbi,, V. Testa, G. Tosti, F. Vitali, P. Conconi,
G. Cutispoto, G. Malaspina, L. Nicastro, E. Meurs, P. Goldoni,
on behalf of the REM/ROSS Team

The field of the short hard burst GRB 060313 (GCN 4867, Pagani et al.)
was imaged by the robotic 60-cm REM telescope with the both infrared
(REMIR) and optical (ROSS) camera.

Observations started about 33 seconds after the GCN alert about 45
seconds after the burst and a total exposure time of 325, 425 and 325
seconds was obtained with J, H and Ks filter respectively. Preliminary
results on these data have been reported in GCN 4868 (Melandri et al.).

A refined analysis have been performed on the IR stacked images and
no new source is found within the XRT refined error circle (Pagani et  
al., GCN 4875) and at the position of the OT-candidate suggested by 
Levan and Hjorth (GCN 4871).

We derive the following upper limits for the NIR afterglow:
  Filter    Delta_T (days)    Mag_Lim (5 sigma)

    J           0.018               17.6
    H           0.012               17.2
    Ks          0.010               16.5

Optical images, acquired with the ROSS optical camera in the I, R and 
V filters, do not allow to obtain useful information because of a large
contamination due to the Moon light. We were able to derive an upper 
limit only of R > 17.5.

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[GCN OPS NOTE(15mar06): Per author's request, "030613" in the first
sentence was changed to "060313".]
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