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GCN Circular 4781

GRB060218: Swift/XRT refined position of a possible burst
2006-02-18T23:18:46Z (19 years ago)
Giancarlo Cusumano at INAF-IASFA <>
G. Cusumano (IASF-Pa INAF),  A. Moretti (INAF-OAB), G. Tagliaferri 
(INAF-OAB), J. Kennea (PSU) and D. Burrows (PSU), report on behalf of 
the Swift/XRT Team:

We have performed a preliminary analysis of Swift/XRT ground-linked data 
associated to the possible burst GRB060218 (trigger=191157; Cusumano et 
al., GCN 4775, Kennea et al. 4776). We confirm the presence of a bright 
X-ray source at the following location:

RA(J2000):  3h 21m 39.9s
Dec(J2000): 16d 52m 03.7s

with an estimated uncertainty of 7 arcseconds (90% containment). Note 
that this position lies 3.7" from the previous XRT position (GCN 4775), 
3' from the BAT position reported in GCN 4780 and 2.9" from the UVOT 
position. A full analysis of the XRT data will follow.

This circular is an official product of the Swift XRT Team.
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