TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4673 SUBJECT: GRB 060204C: optical observations DATE: 06/02/05 05:10:38 GMT FROM: Daniele Malesani at SISSA-ISAS,Trieste,Italy S. Piranomonte (INAF/OARm), D. Malesani (SISSA), H. Navasardyan (INAF/OAPd), N. Masetti (INAF/IASF Bo), report on behalf of a larger collaboration: We observed the field of GRB 060204C (Grupe et al., GCN 4663) with the Asiago telescope equipped with the AFOSC camera. Ten exposures lasting 3 minutes each were acquired, starting on 2006 Feb 4.9009 UT (mean time Feb 4.9172 UT, i.e. 1.45 hr after the GRB). The seeing was quite bad (~2.4 arcsec). Visual inspection of the coadded frame reveals no new objects inside the whole BAT error circle, after comparison with the DSS-II. The limiting magnitude of our images is estimated to be R ~ 21.8 (calibrated against the USNO-B1 catalog). Our images do not cover the position of the XRT source mentioned in GCN 4672 (Grupe et al., GCN 4672), which lies outside the BAT error circle. This message can be cited.