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GCN Circular 4637

GRB 060202: Near-IR Observation with UKIRT/WFCAM
2006-02-03T12:30:56Z (19 years ago)
Yuko Kakazu at U of Hawaii/Inst. for Astro. <>
W-H. Wang (UH/IfA), Y. Kakazu (UH/IfA), B. P. Schmidt (MSO-ANU), 
and L. L. Cowie (UH/IfA)

We have imaged the field GRB060202 (Fox et al., GCN 4629)
with the UKIRT Wide Field Camera in J and K-band filters from
approximately UT 05:00 to 08:20 on Feb 03.  

Observations consisted of 10s expsosures in both J and K with a 9-point
dither pattern with +/-6.4" and 12.8" offsets.  
Total integration times for J and K are 60 and 72 minutes, respectively.  
Images were processed using the UKIRT real-time pipeline ORACDR and we 
tried to obtain a better background subtraction on the final coadded image.
The final image quality is limited by the poor seeing at low elevation and 
telescope pointing, and has a PSF of 2". 

We detected a faint source inside the revised 4" XRT error circle 
(Morris et al., GCN 4632) in K-band images.  
The location of this source is: 

   RA = 02:23:22.94,  DEC = +38:23:03.69 (J2000.0)  

This is consistent with the Keck/LRIS I-band detection reported 
by Cenko et al. (GCN 4636) within 1".
The magnitude of this source is K = 19.86 with 3" aperture diameter,
using nearby 2MASS stars for calibration.
A PSF fit, however, suggests the point component may be almost a magnituder 
fainter and there may be some underlying diffuse emission.

In the J band image, we found no source within the XRT error circle
to a 1 sigma limiting magnitude of J > 22.74 [2MASS].
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