TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4562 SUBJECT: GRB 060121: Confirmation of Afterglow DATE: 06/01/22 16:56:49 GMT FROM: Andrew Levan at U.of Leicester A.J. Levan, N.R. Tanvir (U. Hertfordshire), J. Fynbo, J. Hjorth (DARK Cosmology Centre), A. Fruchter (STScI), T. Grav (IfA, Hawaii), K. Nilsson (U. Turku), J. Rhoads (ASU) report for a larger collaboration: Inspection of our images of GRB 060121 obtained at the NOT (GCN 4555) on Jan 22.05UT reveal a faint source coincident with the suggested X-ray (GCN 4560) and optical (GCN 4561) counterparts. Further R-band imaging was obtained with the WIYN telescope starting at Jan 22.48UT, the object is still visible, however has clearly faded between the two observations, confirming that it is the afterglow of GRB 060121. Further observations are planned.