TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4496 SUBJECT: GRB 060111B: MITSuME detection of optical afterglow DATE: 06/01/12 14:55:54 GMT FROM: Nobuyuki Kawai at Tokyo Tech K. Yanagisawa (OAO/NAOJ), H. Toda, and N. Kawai (Tokyo Tech) report on behalf of the MITSuME collaboration: "We have observed the field of GRB 060111B (Perri et al. GCN 4487, Tueller et al. GCN 4492) with the three-color MITSuME 50 cm telescope at Okayama, Japan starting at 20:26:18 UT (T_burst+10.6 min) for an effective exposure of 45 min (60sec x 45). Comparison of the two stacked images at midtime 20:28:56 UT (T_burst+13.2min, exp=60sec x5) and at midtime 20:56:26 UT (T_burst+40.7min, exp=60sec x5) revealed a fading object at the same location in the Rc and Ic band images. The coordinates of the fading object are: RA 19:05:42.47, DEC +70:22:33.1 (error = 0.3 arcsec) We identify this object as the optical afterglow of GRB 05111B for the following reasons: 1) these coordinates are consistent with those of the UVOT afterglow candidate by Perri et al. (GCN 4487), and 2) while we do not confirm the possible host galaxy noted by Khamitov et al. (GCN 4493) in our images, it is not likely to confuse our identification as it is 4.2 arcsec away. The magnitudes of the OT at midtime 20:28:56 UT (T_burst+13.2min) were following:  g': > 19.1 (3 sigma detection limit) Rc: 18.9 +/- 0.4 Ic: 18.3 +/- 0.4 The Rc and Ic magnitudes were calibrated with the R2 and I2 magnitudes of the USNO-B1.0 stars. The g' magnitudes was derived from the NOMAD B, V magnitudes using the formula by Smith et al. (2002). The images obtained at Okayama can be viewed at http://bragi.oao.nao.ac.jp/support/telescope/grb50/images/GRB060111B.pdf"