TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4404 SUBJECT: GRB 051227: R-band object in the XRT error circle DATE: 05/12/28 05:39:12 GMT FROM: Daniele Malesani at SISSA-ISAS,Trieste,Italy D. Malesani (SISSA), S. Piranomonte, L.A. Antonelli (INAF/OAR), E. Depagne, C. Lidman, C. Melo (ESO), S. Campana, S. Covino, G. Tagliaferri (INAF/OABr), G. Chincarini (Univ. Milano-Bicocca), M. Della Valle (INAF/OAA), F. Fiore, and L. Stella (INAF/OARm), report on behalf of the MISTICI collaboration: We observed the field of the hard (and possibly short) GRB 051227 (Barbier et al., GCN 4397; Barthelmy et al., GCN 4401; Sakamoto et al., GCN 4403) using the ESO VLT-UT2 (Kueyen) equipped with the FORS1 instrument. Observations started on 2005 Dec 28, 04:22 UT (~10.3 h after the GRB), in the R band. Observations were conducted at high airmass and moderate seeing (1.5"). Coadding three 5-min images, we detect inside the revised XRT error circle (Beardmore et al., GCN 4402) one single, faint source, at the coordinates (J2000): alpha = 08:20:58.14 delta = +31:55:31.7 The astrometric error is about 0.5". This object is not seen in the r-band SDSS images provided by Cool et al. (GCN 4399). However, it is significantly fainter than the limit of these images. We propose this object as a candidate afterglow or host for GRB 051227. We also note a further, fainter object slightly outside the XRT error circle, at the coordinates: alpha = 08:20:57.54 delta = +31:55:32.47 We acknowledge the excellent support from the ESO staff.