TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4339 SUBJECT: GRB 051211A,optical observation DATE: 05/12/12 13:52:06 GMT FROM: Shouta Maeno at U.of Miyazaki S.Maeno,E.Sonoda,M.Yamauchi (University of Miyazaki) "We have observed the field covering the error circle of GRB 051211A (GCN 3979) with the unfiltered CCD camera on the 30-cm telescope at University of Miyazaki. The observation was started 11:06:34 UT on Dec.11. After co-adding a set of 18 images (11:06:34 UT - 11:28:23 UT) of 30 sec exposures, we have compared with the USNO-A2.0 catalog. Preliminary analysis shows there is no new source brighter than 17.2 mag."