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GCN Circular 4157

GRB 051022, mm counterpart
2005-10-24T12:56:28Z (19 years ago)
Alberto Castro-Tirado at Astro. de Andalucia <>
M. Bremer (IRAM, Grenoble), A. J. Castro-Tirado (IAA-CSIC,
Granada) and R. Neri (IRAM), on behalf of a large collaboration,


"On Oct 23.9 UT we have undertaken millimetre observations (3 mm)
with the Plateau de Bure Interferometer of source "B" (Castro-Tirado
et al., GCNC 4143), related to the HETE-2 GRB 051022 (Olive
et al., GCNC 4131).  We found a ~1 mJy source  (4 sigma) at

AR(2000) = 23:56:04.14
Dec(2000) = +19:36:25.4

The astrometrical error is 0.5" (1-sigma), consistent with the position
of source B and the VLA radio counterpart detected on Oct 24.1
(Cameron et al. GCNC 4154).

We will continue to monitor the source. "

[GCN OPS NOTE(25oct05): The name on the 4131 reference was changed
from Graziani to Olive (in response to the author change on 4131).]
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