TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4155 SUBJECT: GRB 051022: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits DATE: 05/10/24 07:06:22 GMT FROM: Stefan Immler at NASA/GSFC S. Immler (GSFC), A. Retter (PSU), J. Racusin (PSU), L. Cominsky (Sonoma State U), J. Norris (GSFC) on behalf of the Swift/UVOT team report: The Swift-UVOT began observing the field of GRB 051022 (HETE Trigger H3950; Olive et al. GCN 4131) at 2005-10-22 16:34:11, about 3.5 hours after the burst. Based on comparisons with the DSS catalog, we detect no source inside the XRT error circle at RA, Dec 23:56:4.1, +19:36:25.1 (J2000) with an uncertainty of 4 arcsec (Racusin et al. GCN 4141) in any of the 5 filters or in summed V-band exposures down to the following 5-sigma magnitude upper limits: Filter T_range(hours) Exp(sec) 5sigUL V 3.47-3.72 900 19.5 B 5.63-5.65 63 18.9 U 5.38-5.63 900 20.1 W1 3.98-4.36 900 19.3 M2 3.73-3.98 900 20.4 V 6.78-13.48 7914 20.7 where T_range is the time post HETE trigger. The magnitudes have not been corrected for extinction.