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GCN Circular 4071

GRB 051008: early Swift XRT analysis
2005-10-08T18:45:02Z (19 years ago)
Matteo Perri at ISAC/ASDC <>
M. Perri, M. Capalbi (ASDC), D.N. Burrows (PSU) report on behalf of the
Swift XRT team:

XRT began observing the field at 17:23:52 UT, about 50 minutes after the
BAT trigger. The on-board centroiding algorithm did not converge on a
source, so no prompt X-ray position is available.

However, the downlinked lightcurve shows evidence for a fading X-ray
source in the field of view. There are no catalogued X-ray sources in
the field, indicating that this source is the GRB afterglow.

Further analysis will require processing of the XRT full telemetry data
following the next ground station contact.
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