TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 4024 SUBJECT: GRB 050922B: optical limit DATE: 05/09/23 06:51:16 GMT FROM: Ken ichi Torii at RIKEN K. Torii (Osaka U.) reports: The error region of Swift GRB 050922B (Norris et al. GCN 4008) was observed by the 14 inch Automated Response Telescope. BVRcIc imaging started at 2005 September 22, 15:07:42 UT (342 s after the trigger) and 60 s integration was repeated. Due to low transparency and intermittent clouds, useful images were obtained after 15:16:47 UT. Preliminary analysis gives the following 3-sigma upper limits for an optical counterpart of the Swift XRT afterglow (GCN 4008). ------------------------------------------ StartUT Filter Limit Exposure ------------------------------------------ 15:17:55 Rc 15.5 60s 17:02:44 Ic 17.1 40x60s ------------------------------------------