TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 3967 SUBJECT: GRB050911: Swift-XRT position DATE: 05/09/12 07:17:54 GMT FROM: Kim Page at U.of Leicester K. Page (U. Leicester), J. Kennea (PSU) and D. Burrows (PSU) report on behalf of the Swift XRT team: We have analysed the first 3 orbits of ground data from GRB050911 (BAT Trigger 154630). There is a previously uncatalogued X-ray source within the BAT error circle at a position of RA(J2000): 00:54:37.7 Dec(J2000): -38:50:57.7 with an uncertainty of 7.5 arcsec radius (90% containment). This is 107 arcsec from the BAT position reported in GCN 3961 (Page et al.) Because of the limited amount of data, starting only 4.6 hours after the trigger, it is not yet possible to confirm that this source is definitely fading. However, it is the best candidate for the XRT afterglow.