TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 3802 SUBJECT: GRB050813: Gemini Imaging DATE: 05/08/14 20:28:39 GMT FROM: Josh Bloom at UC Berleley GRB 050813: Gemini Imaging J. S. Bloom reports: "Imaging acquired in i-band with GMOS/Gemini-N on Aug 14.4 UT under program GN-2005B-Q-6 reveals a compact faint source 2.3 arcseconds to the South-East of the centroid of galaxy C (Gorosabel et al.; GCN #3796). We cannot confirm variability at this time but if it is at the redshift of this galaxy (z=0.722; Berger GCN #3801) then it lies 16.5 kpc in projection from the galaxy center, suggesting it is a viable counterpart to the short-hard GRB 050813 (Retter et al., GCN 3788)." An image will be posted shortly at http://astro.berkeley.edu/~jbloom/grb050813-gemini.jpg We thank K. Roth and the Gemini Observing Staff for assistance in acquiring this data.