GCN Circular 3721
Correction to GCN Circ 3476 on GRB050525A
2005-08-01T14:46:46Z (20 years ago)
Jean-Luc Atteia at Lab d Astrophys.,OMP,Toulouse <atteia@ast.obs-mip.fr>
J-L. Atteia & A. Pelangeon (LAT-OMP) report:
Taking into account the revised value of the fluence of GRB 050525a provided
by Golenetskii et al. in GCN 3660, we have re-computed the pseudo-redshift of
GRB 050525a (using the method described in Atteia, 2003, A&A, 407, L1).
We find a pseudo-redshift pz=0.64 +/- 0.1, in good agreement with the
spectroscopic redshift z=0.606