TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 356 SUBJECT: GRB990627: BeppoSAX-WFC final location DATE: 99/06/27 19:04:00 GMT FROM: Luigi Piro at IAS/CNR Frascati Giangiacomo Gandolfi on behalf of BeppoSAX Mission Scientist report: A GRB (GRB 990627) was detected by the GRBM and WFC of BeppoSAX on June 27, at 05:00:51 U.T. Final coordinates from WFC are: R.A.(2000)=27.1055 DEC(2000)=-77.0883 The error radius is 3'. [GCN OP NOTE: Format incompatibility problems prevented this from being distributed in a timely fashion. I am working on the problem, so that hopefully this will not happen in the future.]