TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 3465 SUBJECT: GRB 050525A: ROTSE-III Detection of Possible Counterpart DATE: 05/05/25 00:41:33 GMT FROM: Eli Rykoff at U of Michigan/ROTSE E.S. Rykoff (U Mich), S.A. Yost (U Mich), H. Swan (U Mich), report on behalf of the ROTSE collaboration: ROTSE-IIIc, located at the H.E.S.S. site at Mt. Gamsberg, Namibia, responded to GRB 050525A (Swift trigger 130088). The first image was at 00:08:56.7 UT, 363.5 s after the burst (8.7 s after the GCN notice time). The unfiltered images are calibrated relative to USNO A2.0. We detect a 14.7 magnitude, fading source at: 18:32:32.76 +26:20:22.65 (J2000) start UT mag mlim(of image) ---------------------------------- 00:08:56.7 14.7 15.4 This source is not visible in DSS (second epoch), 2MASS or the MPChecker database. Continuing observations are in progress.