TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 3388 SUBJECT: GRB 050509b: Optical Counterpart Candidate DATE: 05/05/09 08:44:13 GMT FROM: Josh Bloom at Harvard/CFA J. Bloom (UCB), C. Blake (Harvard), J. X. Prochaska (UCSC), J. Hennawi (UCB), M. Gladders (Carnegie), B. Koester (U Michigan) and H. W. Chen (MIT) report: We have continued to observe GRB 050509b (GCN #3383) with the imager on the 3.5m WIYN telescope. Under improving conditions, a 600s observation in the sloan r band beggining at 06:05 UT revealed a apparent point source within the XRT error circle (GCN #3383) and within the detectable light of the nearby galaxy (GCN #3386). A finding chart may be found at: http://pairitel.org/grb050509b-candidate.gif This message may be cited.