TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 32666 SUBJECT: Swift J1913.1+1946: New Photometry DATE: 22/10/10 17:37:10 GMT FROM: Mohammad Odeh at Al Khatim Observatory M44 Mohammad Odeh at Al Khatim Observatory (M44), operated by the International Astronomical Center (IAC), in Abu Dhabi, UAE. We���ve just observed the optical afterglow of the extremely bright GRB Swift J1913.1+1946 (Dichiara et al., GCN Circ. 32632) using 0.36m f/7.7 Schmidt Cassegrain telescope on 10 October 2022 as the night started. Two sets of three stacked frames were analyzed, each frame is 180 seconds of exposure using I�� filter. The magnitude was 17.8! Date & Time (UTC) Mag (Ic) MagErr 2022-10-10T15:38:05Z 17.8 0.09 2022-10-10T16:31:28Z 17.8 0.03 The below GIF video shows how the object faded today, where the first frames in this video were taken yesterday when the magnitude was 15.5, and the frames at the end of the video show how it becomes fainter now at magnitude 17.8. https://www.astronomycenter.net/image/GRB.gif