TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 32517 SUBJECT: Introducing Self-Service Configuration of GCN Notices over Email for Transient Alerts DATE: 22/09/02 22:15:51 GMT FROM: Eric Burns at GSFC Scott Barthelmy (GSFC), Eric Burns (LSU), Dakota Dutko (GSFC), Meredith Gibb (GSFC), Tess Jaffe (GSFC), Israel Martinez (GSFC/UMD), Judy Racusin (GSFC), David Simpson (GSFC), Leo Singer (GSFC), Teresa Sheets (GSFC), Alan Smale (GSFC), and Dongguen Tak (DESY) report on behalf of GCN, TACH, and HEASARC: The new General Coordinates Network (GCN Circular #32419) is pleased to announce self-service configuration of GCN Notice notifications over email. This new feature will greatly simplify and enhance the user experience for subscribing to GCN Notices. Using the same accounts on https://gcn.nasa.gov as GCN Classic Over Kafka, users can now sign up to subscribe to any of the public GCN Notice types in any of the 3 legacy formats (text, binary, VOEvent), and edit their settings at will. To get started, sign in or sign up at https://gcn.nasa.gov, and then select "Email Notifications" from the account dropdown menu. Note that signing up for receiving emails via the new GCN does not edit users��� prior subscriptions to GCN Classic. When you would like to unsubscribe from GCN Classic, please contact us via: https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/Feedback?selected=gcnclassic For questions, issues, or bug reports, please contact us via: HEASARC feedback form - https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/Feedback?selected=kafkagcn GitHub issue tracker - https://github.com/nasa-gcn/gcn.nasa.gov/issues