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GCN Circular 3243

GRB 050412: Optical observations
2005-04-12T12:35:02Z (20 years ago)
Brian Lindgren Jensen at U.of Copenhagen <>
GRB 050412: Optical observations

Brian L. Jensen (Niels Bohr Institute), Javier Gorosabel (IAA-CSIC
(Granada)), Peter Laursen, Pall Jakobsson, Darach Watson, Johan P. U.
Fynbo, Jens Hjorth (Niels Bohr Institute) report:

"Using DFOSC on the Danish 1.5m Telescope on La Silla we have obtained
2550s R-band imaging of the BAT error circle for GRB 050412 (GCN #3237)
starting at 1.2 hr after the GRB trigger. In the XRT error-circle (GCN
#3241) we detect a single source. The estimated magnitude of this source
at t+1.5h is R ~ 22."

[GCN_OPS_NOTE(12apr05):  The affiliations were fixed up.]
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