TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 32217 SUBJECT: GRB220611A: Gemini Optical Afterglow Confirmation DATE: 22/06/18 13:24:01 GMT FROM: Eleonora Troja at GSFC B. O���Connor (UMD/GWU), E. Troja (U Tor Vergata/ASU) , S. Dichiara (PSU), and S. B. Cenko (NASA/GSFC) report on behalf of a larger collaboration: We carried out additional target of opportunity observations of GRB220611A (Cenko et al. GCN 32191) with the Gemini Multi Object Spectrograph (GMOS) mounted on the Gemini-South telescope. The observations began 5.7 d after the GRB trigger, and were performed in i-band for a total exposure of 540 s. We detect the source reported by O���Connor et al. (GCN 32203) with magnitude i~21 AB. This source is not detected in archival images from the Dark Energy Survey (Abbott et al. 2021), and is likely the GRB afterglow. We determine that the X-ray, optical, and infrared data (O���Connor et al. GCN 32203, Rastinejad et al. GCN 32208) can be modeled by a power-law with spectral index beta~1. Further observations are planned. We thank the Gemini staff for rapid scheduling of these observations.