TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 32160 SUBJECT: Fermi-GBM will trial new SAA regions from Tuesday June 7th DATE: 22/06/03 21:40:48 GMT FROM: Oliver J Roberts at USRA/NASA O.J. Roberts (USRA) and C. Fletcher (USRA) report on behalf of the Fermi GBM Team: From Tuesday June 7th 2022, Fermi-GBM will be investigating alternative reductions in its definition of the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) region in order to improve its operational efficiency. This re-evaluation is due to the evolution of the SAA region over the mission lifetime. We anticipate the increase in GBM���s operational efficiency to be of the order of several percent depending on which region is finally chosen, which will be beneficial for future follow-up to multi-wavelength events of interest and during scheduled observational campaigns. During these investigations, observers within the community may notice a number of spurious triggers by the spacecraft while transiting the trialed regions. We anticipate our tests to last a couple of weeks and we will send out a statement informing the community when the tests have concluded. Alerts for any misclassified events will be addressed promptly by Fermi-GBM burst advocates via GCN circulars, in order to best advise the community on how to follow up each event during this time. We thank you for your patience and understanding.