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GCN Circular 31890

Correction to GCN 31888: GRB 220412A: Swift-XRT refined Analysis
2022-04-13T05:34:52Z (3 years ago)
Kim Page at U.of Leicester <>
K.L. Page (U. Leicester) reports on behalf of the Swift-XRT team:

In GCN 31888, the fit to the XRT light curve was stated incorrectly. There
correct details are as follows:

The light curve can be modelled with an initial power-law decay with an
index of alpha=2.10 (+0.08, -0.07), followed by a break at T+1330 s to
an alpha of 0.98 (+0.13, -0.28).

If the light curve continues to decay with a power-law decay index of
0.98, the count rate at T+24 hours will be 1.9e-03 count s^-1,
corresponding to an observed (unabsorbed) 0.3-10 keV flux of 7.4 x 10^-14
(8.1 x 10^-14) erg cm^-2 s^-1.

The remaining details in GCN 31888 were correct. We apologise for any

This circular is an official product of the Swift-XRT team.
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