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GCN Circular 31592

ZTF22aaajecp/AT2022cmc: VLA radio detection
2022-02-15T21:00:08Z (3 years ago)
Daniel Perley at Liverpool JMU <>
D. A. Perley (LJMU) reports on behalf of a larger collaboration:

We acquired observations of the fast optical transient ZTF22aaajecp (AT2022cmc; Andreoni et al. 2020, GCN 31590) with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) between 12:06 and 12:49 UT on 2022 February 15.  Observations were carried out using the X-band receivers at a mean frequency of 10 GHz.  We detect a radio source at a location (J2000) of:

RA = 13:34:43.203
Dec = 33:13:00.670

with an uncertainty of 0.01" in each coordinate.  The position is consistent with the location of the optical transient.  The flux density of the source is approximately 57 microJy at this time.

The presence of a radio counterpart at this flux level is typical of GRB afterglows within a few days of explosion, and supports the hypothesis that this event is a cosmological relativistic transient.  Additional observations are planned.

We thank the VLA staff for rapidly scheduling and executing these observations.

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