GCN Circular 30215
GRB 210610B: CrAO/ZTSH optical observations and light curve
2021-06-11T23:23:01Z (4 years ago)
Alexei Pozanenko at IKI, Moscow <apozanen@iki.rssi.ru>
N. Pankov (IKI, HSE), A. Pozanenko (IKI), V. Rumyantsev (CrAO), S.
Belkin (IKI, HSE) report on behalf of IKI GRB FuN:
We observed the GRB 210610B (Page et al., GCN 30170) with ZTSH 2.6m
telescope of CrAO observatory starting on June 10 (UT) 20:19:24
(Rumyantsev et al., GCNs 30175, 30178). The optical afterglow first
reported by UVOT (Page et al., GCN 30170) is clearly detected in each
of a single image of 10 exposure in each of BVRI filters on June 10.
Based on our observations on June 10 (B, R - filters) and June 11
(Pankov et al., GCN 30213) we report the light curve (LC) of the
afterglow which can be found in
Initial phase of the LC from 0.02 days and up to 0.07 days can be
approximated by a single power law with index of -0.9, and after that we
observe plateau phase at least up to 0.18 days after trigger (see figure