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GCN Circular 3017

GRB050209: REM optical observations
2005-02-09T18:21:58Z (20 years ago)
Paolo D'Avanzo at INAF-OAB <>
P. D'Avanzo, A. Melandri, S. Covino, E. Palazzi,  V. Testa, F.  
D'Alessio, D. Malesani, L. A. Antonelli, F.M. Zerbi, G. Tosti, A.  
Monfardini, L. Nicastro, G. Chincarini, M. Rodono', G. Cutispoto, E.  
Molinari, F. Vitali, on behalf of the REM/ROSS Team report:

"We imaged the field of GRB050209 (HETE 11568: Kawai et al, GCN 3013)  
with the robotic 60cm REM telescope located in La Silla (Chile)  
starting observations 24 seconds just after received the trigger  
through GCN Notice.

Observations were performed in fully automated mode with the REM  
Optical Slitless Spectrograph (ROSS) in the V, R and I filters (REM IR  
camera was in manteinance). Oservation started on 2005 Feb 09.163 UT,  
approximately 2.4 h after the GRB. The field was imaged in each filter  
for a total exposure time of 400s, under good seeing conditions.

No new sources are detected within the HETE error circle by comparison  
with the Digitized Sky Survey, down to a limiting magnitude V=19.1,  
R=19.1, I=18.5 (5-sigma confidence).

This message is citeable."
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