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GCN Circular 2978

GRB 050124: NIR Candidates from Keck/NIRC
2005-01-25T13:29:30Z (20 years ago)
Edo Berger at Carnegie Obs <>
E. Berger (Carnegie Observatories) and S.R. Kulkarni (Caltech) report on
behalf of a larger collaboration:

"We imaged the 8-arcsec XRT error circle (GCN 2975) of GRB 050124 (GCN
2972) with NIRC on the Keck I telescope on January 25.504 UT (24.6 hours
after the burst).  A total of 9 min were obtained in the Ks band.  We find
two sources within the XRT error circle, which we designate C1 and C2.      
Object C1 is point-like and is located at (J2000):
        RA = 12:51:30.7
        DEC= 13:02:42  
Object C2, 8.4" to the southwest, appears extended.  Further observations
are planned to check for variability.  A finding chart is available at:

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