GCN Circular 29572
GRB 210226A: Burke-Gaffney Observatory optical upper limit
2021-02-26T15:11:19Z (4 years ago)
Filipp Dmitrievich Romanov at Amateur astronomer <filipp.romanov.27.04.1997@gmail.com>
I observed the field of GRB 210226A (Beardmore et al., GCN Circ.
29568) with remote telescope (0.61-m f/6.5 Corrected Dall-Kirkham +
CCD) of Burke-Gaffney Observatory (Halifax, Canada). Image (clear:
without filter) with 180 seconds exposure time was obtained on
2021-02-26. Start time of exposure: 08:00:36 UT (3 h. 16 m. 39 s.
after trigger). I did not detect any optical transients (magnitude
limit of about 18.0). Image available here: