GCN Circular 29275
GRB 210104A: GMG observations
2021-01-07T08:57:00Z (4 years ago)
Jirong Mao at Yunnan Obs <jirongmao_obs@ynao.ac.cn>
J. Mao, X. Ding, X.-L. Zhang, and J.-M. Bai (YNAO) report:
We observed the field of GRB 210104A (Troja et al. GCN 29233) with
the 2.4-meter optical telescope at Gao-Mei-Gu (GMG) station of Yunnan
Observatories. The observation began at UT 13:00:11, 4, Jan. 2021, about
1.5 hours after the trigger. We clearly detected the source, and the preliminary
magnitude was measured to be R~17.6. Further analysis of the observations during
the night is ongoing.