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GCN Circular 2863

GRB041218: optical observations
2004-12-19T01:03:41Z (20 years ago)
Patrizia Ferrero at IASF/CNR,Bologna <>
G. Greco, C. Bartolini, A. Guarnieri, and A. Piccioni (Universita' di 
P. Ferrero (IASF/CNR/ Bologna/ Osservatorio e Universita' di Teramo),
G. Pizzichini (IASF/CNR/ Bologna) and R.Gualandi (INAF/ Bologna 

We observed the error region of GRB 041218 (Mereghetti,et al.,GCN 2858)
with the 152 cm  telescope in Loiano (Bologna University) in clear sky
conditions (seeing ~2.5).
The first observation started at 18h05m58s UT; the acquisition sequence
was: R band 15x600 sec exposures; B band 1x1200 sec; V band 1X600 sec;
R band 1x600 sec.
We detect the candidate reported by Torii (GCN 2860) and Gorosabel et
al. (GCN 2861).
Our very preliminary estimate of the magnitude of the afterglow 
candidate in
the first frame is R ~ 19.5.
More precise analysis is in progress.
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