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GCN Circular 28593

IceCube-200929A: JCMT/SCUBA2 observations
2020-10-09T18:57:54Z (4 years ago)
Yuji Urata at Nat. Central U. <>
Y. Urata (NCU) and K. Huang (CYCU) 

We observed the field of IceCube-200929A (GCN 28532) using SCUAB-2
sub-millimeter continuum camera on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope.
The observation was started at 2020/10/03 07:56 UTC and SCUBA2 imaged
the field centered at RA 29.53 deg Dec 3.47 deg with 50 arcmin
diameter. No source was detected, with the RMS background noise being
4.6 mJy/beam at 850 microns and 152 mJy/beam at 450 microns.

We thank staffs of East Asian Observatory.
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