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GCN Circular 2791

GRB 041006: Redshift confirmed
2004-10-09T02:56:08Z (20 years ago)
Paul Price at IfA,UH <>
P.A. Price (IfA, UH), K. Roth (Gemini), J. Rich, B.P. Schmidt, B.A.
Peterson (RSAA, ANU), L. Cowie (IfA, UH), C. Smith and A. Rest (CTIO)

We have observed the optical afterglow of GRB 041006 (GCN #2765) with
the Gemini North Telescope + GMOS at 2004 Oct 7.36 UT.  Observations
consisted of 4 integrations of 1800 sec with the R400 grating and a 1
arcsec slit.  Inspection of a single frame reveals absorption lines at
6750A and 6810A, which we interpret as corresponding to the Ca II H and
K lines at a mean redshift of z = 0.716, in broad agreement with the
redshift of z = 0.712 proposed by Fugazza et al. (GCN #2782).

We thank the staff of Gemini North for performing these observations.
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