TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 279 SUBJECT: GRB990316, Optical observations DATE: 99/03/19 12:11:31 GMT FROM: Ion-Alexis Yadigaroglu at Columbia U I.-A. Yadigaroglu, C. Liu & J. P. Halpern (Columbia U.), H. E. Bond (STScI) report on behalf of the MDM Observatory GRB follow-up team: "We imaged in the V band the location of the LOTIS optical candidate (GCN 277) for GRB 990316 on Mar 19.22 using the MDM Observatory 2.4m telescope. A total of 40 minutes exposure was obtained in seeing of 1.0 arcsec. The image was compared to an image of the same region obtained the previous night at the KPNO 4m telescope (GCN 278). No fading objects are found in a conservative 2 arcmin radius around the LOTIS position. A calibration using a Landolt standard gives plate limits of 23.9 and 23.0 for the Mar 19.22 and 18.28 images respectively. For reference, the magnitudes of two nearby stars are V = 20.25 at (J2000) RA 9:50:14.6, Dec -4:56:32.3, and V = 20.14 at RA 9:50:14.9, Dec -4:56:56.3. An asteroid with V = 22.6 is detected on Mar 18.28 an arcminute away from the LOTIS position." This message may be cited.