TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 272 SUBJECT: GRB990308 (Trig. 7457), optical observations DATE: 99/03/10 11:51:21 GMT FROM: Grant Williams at Clemson G. Williams, H. Park and R. Porrata report on behalf of the LOTIS collaboration: LOTIS and Super-LOTIS obtained early time observations of the error box of GRB 990308 (BATSE Trig. 7457). This event was detected and localized by the XTE/All-Sky Monitor. LOTIS began imaging the area centered on the 'Original' GCN coordinates 12.6 s after the start of the burst. Five images (10 s integration) were obtained at these coordinates before the system received and responded to the 'Final' GCN coordinates. LOTIS began imaging the area centered on the 'Final' GCN coordinates 132.1 s after the start of the burst. The first five LOTIS images covered a small portion of the XTE/ASM error box within, but near the edge of the preliminary BATSE 3-sigma error circle. We matched all stellar objects in the error box with known Guide Star Catalogue objects. No transient sources brighter than m ~ 11.5 (no filter) were detected. Wispy high clouds reduced the system's limiting magnitude during this event. LOTIS slewed to the more accurate 'Final' GCN coordinates 132.1 s after the start of the burst. The subsequent images covered the entire XTE/ASM error box within the BATSE 2-sigma error circle. We found a single anomalous constant source within the error box with a position which corresponds to the position of a V ~ 10.6 asteroid (Laetitia) at the time of the image. All other sources within the XTE/ASM error box correspond to known stars in the GSC. No fading or flaring objects brighter than m ~ 11.0 were found. In addition, Super-LOTIS (60 cm reflector) began a raster scan around the 'LOCBURST' GCN coordinates 1700 s after the start of the burst. Four Super-LOTIS images (30 s integration; t=1694 s, 1809 s, 2620 s, 3923 s) covered most of the XTE/ASM error box within the BATSE 2-sigma error circle. No fading or flaring objects brighter than m ~ 14.0 (no filter) were detected in the Super-LOTIS images. Super-LOTIS is presently operating at a temporary site at LLNL utilizing an uncooled prototype CCD camera. Thin clouds and surrounding building lights prevented the system from reaching a deeper limiting magnitude. Further details of the LOTIS timing and coverage as well as images are posted at: http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~ggwilli/LOTIS/GRB990308.html This message is citable.