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GCN Circular 26963

AMON Coincidence Alert from the sub-threshold IceCube-HAWC search NuEm-200202A
2020-02-02T16:33:45Z (5 years ago)
Hugo Ayala at Pennsylvania State University <>
The AMON,  IceCube and HAWC collaborations report:

The AMON NuEm stream channel found a coincidence alert from the
IceCube online neutrino selection + HAWC daily monitoring analysis.
The analysis looks for IceCube neutrino events -mostly atmospheric
in origin- around the position and transit time of a HAWC cluster of
likely gamma rays, as identified in the integrated observations from
a single transit, in this case having a duration of 6.16 hours.

The HAWC transit interval is  from 02, 02, 2020 7:58:52 UT to
02 02, 2020, at 14:07:52 UT
(End of the HAWC transit time)
The location of the coincidence is reported as
RA (J2000): 200.3 deg
Dec (J2000): 12.71 deg
Location uncertainty (50% containment): 0.17 deg (statistical only).
Location uncertainty (90% containment): 0.31 deg (statistical only).

The false alarm rate (FAR) of this coincidence is 1.39.
We encourage follow-up observations of the alert region contingent on
availability of resources and interest, given the quoted FAR.

These circulars will be substituted for GCN Notices in the near future.

AMON seeks to perform a real-time correlation analysis of the
high-energy signals across all known astronomical messengers. More
information about AMON can be found in
Information on the IceCube collaboration:
Information on the HAWC collaboration:
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