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GCN Circular 26823

LIGO/Virgo S200115j: No counterpart detection within possible host galaxies observed by the GRAWITA-Savelli telescope
2020-01-20T09:45:43Z (5 years ago)
Sandra Savaglio at U. of Calabria <>
A. Brosio (Osservatorio Astronomico Lilio),  S. Massaro (Osservatorio Astronomico Noto) L. Nicastro (INAF-OAS), E. Palazzi (INAF-OAS), S. Savaglio (UNICAL), report on behalf of GRAWITA:

We carried out optical observations of 12 of the potential host galaxies visible in the Northern hemisphere of LVC trigger S200115j reported by P.A. Evans (GCN 26756).

Each galaxy was observed for 10 minutes in the r-sdss filter with the 0.5m telescope of the Osservatorio Astronomico Lilio, located in Savelli (South Italy) on 2020-01-15 starting at 17:24:39 UT. Visual inspection of the 12 fields does not reveal any new candidate compared with Pan-STARRS archival images down to r~20.5 mag (3-sigma, AB).

Additional observations have been acquired, the analysis is underway.
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