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GCN Circular 26500

LIGO/Virgo S191213g: Palomar 60-inch imaging of AT2019wxt
2019-12-19T10:05:24Z (5 years ago)
Christoffer Fremling at Caltech <>
C. Fremling (Caltech), M. Kasliwal (Caltech), D. A. Perley (LJMU), and R. Walters (Caltech) report:

We observed AT2019wxt (GCN #26485) with the Spectral Energy Distribution Machine (SEDM)
on the 60 inch telescope at Palomar Observatory. The SEDM is a
low resolution (R ~ 100) integral field unit spectrometer with a multi-
band (ugri) rainbow camera imager (see Blagorodnova et al. 2018,
PASP, 130, 035003, and Rigault et al. 2019, A&A, 627, A115).

The SEDM began observing using the rainbow camera at 2019-12-19 04:25:33.70 UTC.
We obtained a series of 180s exposures in ugri filters finding the following magnitudes (AB)
after host galaxy subtraction using SDSS images:

JD         | mag    | err  | filter
2458836.69 | 19.62  | 0.10 | g
2458836.70 | 19.61  | 0.11 | g

2458836.69 | 19.38  | 0.12 | i
2458836.71 | 19.40  | 0.11 | i

2458836.68 | 19.41  | 0.11 | r
2458836.70 | 19.40  | 0.18 | r

2458836.69 | <17.10 | -    | u
2458836.70 | <16.90 | -    | u

Compared to the photometry reported in GCN #26485, AT2019wxt has stayed at a constant brightness
in the the i-band over the last few days (within the reported uncertainties).
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